The Rise of Speaking Herbs: Navigating Challenges with Ambition

  • In the bustling metropolis of New Delhi, the seeds of Speaking Herbs were planted by the ambitious duo Tanaya Sarma and Amis Ahmed, driven by a deep passion for clean, organic solutions that promote holistic wellness.

  • This dynamic vision culminated in the birth of Speaking Herbs, a brand renowned for its range of skincare, haircare, and health products infused with the pure essence of botanical ingredients.

Origins and Evolution

  • The story of Speaking Herbs begins in 2018, stemming from the roots of Aaidah Life Sciences Pvt Ltd, a pharmaceutical venture founded and led by Tanaya Sarma and Amis Ahmed.
  • Witnessing the burgeoning demand for natural, chemical-free products, they embarked on a strategic shift from conventional retail to a direct-to-consumer (D2C) model, aligning their ethos with the principles of purity and efficacy.

Embracing the Digital Realm

  • Recognizing the limitations of traditional brick-and-mortar retail, Speaking Herbs boldly ventured into the digital sphere, launching its e-commerce platform in October 2018.
  • Drawing upon their expertise in biotechnology, Tanaya and Amis meticulously curated a selection of premium essential oils and floral waters sourced directly from local farmers.
  • This meticulous approach ensured unparalleled quality and authenticity, setting Speaking Herbs apart in the competitive market.

Benefits of E-commerce

  • The transition to e-commerce proved to be a game-changer for Speaking Herbs, offering enhanced visibility and direct engagement with consumers.
  • This shift facilitated the gathering of valuable customer feedback, fostering a culture of continuous product innovation and improvement.
  • Despite encountering challenges such as website crashes and supply chain disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic, Speaking Herbs demonstrated remarkable resilience and adaptability, emerging from adversity stronger than ever.

Competing in the Market

  • In a landscape dominated by established giants like Kama Ayurveda and Forest Essentials, Speaking Herbs carved out its niche by prioritizing uncompromising quality, transparency, and consumer education.
  • By addressing specific concerns such as hair fall, dandruff control, and acne treatment, the brand cultivated a deep sense of trust and loyalty among its customer base.

Achievements and Future Plans

  • Despite facing obstacles along the way, Speaking Herbs achieved consistent growth, with monthly sales averaging between 3,000 to 3,300 units across a diverse range of price points.
  • Looking forward, the brand envisions expanding its product portfolio to include 100 unique SKUs and establishing a robust nationwide presence beyond Delhi and Uttar Pradesh.
  • With a strategic focus on in-house research and technology, Speaking Herbs is well-positioned for exponential growth in the rapidly evolving D2C market.

Learnings and Lessons

  • The journey of Speaking Herbs epitomizes the resilience and adaptability essential for modern businesses navigating a dynamic marketplace.
  • The brand’s success story underscores the transformative impact of digitalization, emphasizing the pivotal roles of innovation and customer-centricity in fostering sustainable growth.
  • As Speaking Herbs continues to innovate and expand, it embodies the spirit of entrepreneurship and excellence.


  • The remarkable ascent of Speaking Herbs underscores the transformative potential of ambition and determination.
  • By prioritizing quality, innovation, and meaningful customer engagement, the brand has established itself as a trailblazer in the wellness industry, poised for sustained success and expansion.

Check out their instagram and try out their products!

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