
In the year 1948, the late Mr. Radhakrishna Jagdale embarked on a journey that would transform the landscape of Indian liquor.

Establishing Amrut Distilleries Private Limited, he laid the foundation for a legacy that would be carried forward by his successors,

Rakshit Jagdale and Vikram Nikam, Over the years, this family-driven enterprise has not only overcome challenges but has also elevated itself to unprecedented heights, culminating in a remarkable Rs. 330 Crore revenue in 2019.

The Early Years:

With the guidance of Neelakanta Rao Jagdale, Rakshit and Vikram delved into the intricate world of Indian whiskey. Recognizing the potential in the UK market, they undertook extensive research to understand the challenges faced by Indian whiskey in gaining global acceptance.

Challenges Faced:

One of the major obstacles identified during their research was the perception that Indian whiskey did not meet the international standards to be considered genuine whiskey.

Undeterred by this setback, the dynamic duo set out on a mission to not only expand their business but also redefine the perception of Indian whiskey on the global stage.

Transformation in the 2000s:

During the early 2000s, Amrut Distilleries faced numerous challenges:

  • Annually 1600 cases sold.
  • Virtually no global recognition.
  • Indian Scotch was frowned upon internationally.
  • Relegated to the category of “IMFL” (Indian Made Foreign Liquor).

Undeterred, Rakshit and Vikram adopted a “Never Give Up” attitude, working tirelessly to bring about a transformation in the company’s fortunes.

Triumph by 2019:

Through sheer determination and strategic planning, Amrut Distilleries witnessed a remarkable turnaround:

  • Annual sales to 5 million cases.
  • Exports expanded to 45+ countries.
  • Diversification into multiple products.
  • Introduction of a high-end scotch priced at INR 70,000+.
  • Development of exclusive product lines catering to the discerning Indian market.


Amrut Distilleries stands as a testament to the power of perseverance, market research, and unwavering dedication to quality. From a modest beginning in 1948 to achieving a tenfold increase in revenue by 2019, the distillery’s journey is nothing short of extraordinary.

The transformation of Indian whiskey from being overlooked on the global stage to gaining recognition and respect worldwide showcases the resilience and innovation embedded in the DNA of Amrut Distilleries.

As they continue to push boundaries, the brand’s story inspires others in the industry to embrace challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth.