
In 2012, Shashank Kumar embarked on a mission to bridge the gap between small Indian farmers and the resources they needed for sustainable and profitable agriculture.

Born in Chhapra, Bihar, Shashank’s roots in rural India and his IIT Delhi education in Textile Engineering uniquely positioned him to understand the challenges faced by farmers.

Thus, DeHaat was born, a platform that offers a comprehensive suite of agricultural services, transforming the landscape of Indian agriculture.

The Visionary Behind DeHaat:

Shashank Kumar’s motivation stemmed from recognizing the stark disparity between what consumers paid for their food and what farmers received for their efforts.

 Armed with the vision of creating a business that not only addressed this gap but also uplifted the farming community, Shashank set out to build DeHaat.

His upbringing in rural Bihar and his keen understanding of the agricultural sector fueled his determination to make a difference.

Challenges Faced by Small Indian Farmers:

Small farmers in India grapple with several challenges that hinder their productivity and profitability.

These challenges include a lack of customized farm advice, limited access to financial services, difficulties in obtaining high-quality agricultural inputs, and broken market linkages for selling their produce.

DeHaat aimed to address these issues by creating a platform that directly connected farmers with essential services and resources.

The DeHaat Ecosystem:

DeHaat serves as a comprehensive ecosystem, linking farmers directly with banks, FMCG players, manufacturers, insurance partners, and bulk-output exporters.

The platform operates with a focus on efficiency, transparency, and guidance at every step of the farming process.

  • Covering 12 states,
  • operating through 11,000 DeHaat centers, and
  • catering to 8 lakh farmers,
  •  the platform also collaborates with 2000 agribusiness institutes and
  • 500 farmer producer organizations.

Revenue Streams:

DeHaat has diversified revenue streams, with 70% of its revenue generated from the sale of farm produce and the remaining 30% from the sale of inputs like seeds and agrochemicals.

Notably, the platform provides AI-enabled crop advisory services to farmers, free of charge, demonstrating its commitment to democratizing agriculture for small-scale farmers.

AI-Enabled Crop Advisory Services:

DeHaat leverages Artificial Intelligence to offer crop advisory services to farmers, covering more than 30 crops in regional languages.

This free advisory service enhances the efficiency and productivity of farming practices, empowering farmers with real-time insights and recommendations tailored to their specific needs.

The Amazon for Farmers:

DeHaat’s transformative impact on Indian agriculture has led to its recognition as the “Amazon for Farmers.”

By facilitating direct connections between farmers and various stakeholders, providing essential services, and leveraging technology, DeHaat has become a catalyst for change in the agricultural sector.


In a short span since its inception, DeHaat has become a symbol of revolution in Indian agriculture.

Shashank Kumar’s vision and the platform’s commitment to empowering small farmers have resulted in substantial funding, reaching over Rs. 2000 crores.

With a focus on democratizing agriculture and creating a sustainable ecosystem, DeHaat stands poised to continue its impactful journey, transforming the lives of farmers across the country.