
Amidst the bustling city life of Mumbai, Naturals Ice Cream stands as a testament to the entrepreneurial journey of Raghunandan Kamath.

Starting with a humble beginning of Rs. 2 lakh in 1984, Naturals has grown into a beloved brand synonymous with fresh and natural ice creams, reaching a remarkable revenue of Rs. 300 crore in 2020.

Early Life and Inspiration:

Raghunandan Kamath’s journey began in a small village where his father owned a small piece of land.

The family struggled to make ends meet with meager earnings from growing fruits.

Young Raghunandan, disinterested in formal education, found his passion accompanying his father to pluck fruits, learning the nuances of identifying quality produce.

Transition to Mumbai and the Ice Cream Epiphany:

In the 1970s, the Kamath family relocated to Mumbai, facing the challenges of cramped living conditions in a small chawl.

Raghunandan started working in his brother’s eatery, where he observed people enjoying ice cream and the joy it brought to them.

This observation planted the seed for Naturals Ice Cream.

Creation of Naturals Ice Cream:

Raghunandan decided to make ice cream using fresh fruit pulp, condensed milk from buffalo milk, and sugar – a simple yet unique recipe.

What set Naturals apart was its commitment to using only fresh fruit pulp and dry fruits, without any artificial flavors or preservatives.

This dedication to quality and freshness became the cornerstone of the Naturals brand.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

Naturals Ice Cream distinguishes itself by offering:

  • No artificial flavors
  • No preservatives
  • Exclusive use of fresh fruit pulp and dry fruits

Current Landscape of Naturals:

Over the years, Naturals has expanded its footprint across India with 135 stores, including 127 franchise stores and 8 company-owned outlets.

 Producing 20 tonnes of ice cream per day and boasting a repertoire of 125 flavors, Naturals has maintained consistency by offering 20 flavors throughout the year.

Marketing Strategy:

Naturals has adopted a modest marketing approach, allocating less than 1% of its sales revenue to advertising.

The brand predominantly relies on word of mouth, a testament to the quality and taste that has made Naturals a household name.

Competition and Future Generations:

Competing with giants like Amul, Baskin Robbins, and Haagen Dazs, Naturals has held its ground by focusing on quality and customer satisfaction.

Raghunandan’s sons, Srinivas and Siddhant, have joined him in running the business, emphasizing a balance between the unwavering passion of the founder and modern process-driven management.


Naturals Ice Cream has transcended its humble beginnings, evolving into a brand that represents the purity of nature and the essence of homemade ice cream.

Raghunandan Kamath’s journey from plucking fruits in a small village to creating a Rs. 300 crore enterprise is an inspirational tale of perseverance, dedication, and the belief that a quality product can create an invincible brand.

Naturals Ice Cream continues to delight taste buds, one scoop at a time, leaving an indelible mark on India’s dessert landscape.